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Why Content Marketing Needs to Cover Every Step of the Sales Funnel

February 1, 2024


Why Content Marketing Needs to Cover Every Step of the Sales Funnel

For a content marketing strategy to be truly effective, it must cover every step of the sales funnel. That’s why at Abask, we utilize every step of the sales funnel method to its full extent. Learn why this is an essential part of any marketing campaign. Below, we will delve into why a comprehensive approach to content marketing is necessary for businesses aiming to maximize their impact and achieve long-term success.

Understanding the Sales Funnel

The sales funnel is a concept that represents your potential buyer’s journey, from initial awareness of your product to the final purchase decision. It typically consists of three main stages: the top, the middle, and the bottom of the funnel.

There are hundreds of examples of sales funnels online, but Abask prescribes to the AIDA sales funnel, developed by St. Elmo Lewis in 1898. This model is simple and effective, especially when creating content and analyzing whether it’s effective.

Why Content Marketing Needs to Cover Every Step of the Sales Funnel

The sales funnel serves as a baseline idea that aligns marketing efforts with the evolving needs and mindset of the consumer. It recognizes that only some prospects are at the same stage of readiness to make a purchase and tailors the approach accordingly. By comprehending and optimizing each funnel stage, businesses can create a more targeted and effective marketing strategy. This guides potential customers seamlessly from awareness to conversion. Now, let’s explore why covering each sales funnel stage is crucial for a successful content marketing strategy.

Top of the Funnel (TOFU) – Attention

At this stage, the goal is to attract a broad audience and make them aware of your brand, product, or service. Content at this level should be educational, informative, and designed to capture attention. At the top of the funnel, content marketing is essential in introducing your brand to a broader audience. Whether through blog posts, social media, or video content, creating engaging and shareable materials helps generate brand recognition. (How much is too much? If you’re worried about your LinkedIn engagement, check out our blog on how often you should post for maximum engagement). Being present in potential customers’ minds from the beginning increases the likelihood of being considered when they move further down the funnel.

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) – Interest

In the middle stage, the focus shifts to nurturing leads who have shown interest. Content here should provide in-depth information, showcase value propositions, and establish credibility to encourage further consideration. At the interest stage, content marketing enables you to showcase your expertise, industry knowledge, and unique selling points. Reviews and blogs showcase your expertise. They help link the middle of the funnel with the bottom of your funnel. This is where you will introduce the results that could be reached if the audience takes action.

Authenticity, excellent customer service, and creating a brand experience can all help establish trust with your potential clients. Middle-funnel content also provides the opportunity to nurture leads by addressing their specific needs and concerns. Email campaigns, personalized content, and targeted resources engage potential customers and guide them through decision-making. This stage is crucial for building a relationship beyond a one-time transaction.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) – Decision & Action

The final stage is where leads are converted into customers. Lead conversion is simply the process of converting prospective leads into paying customers. Depending on your company, the marketing department might hand over the leads to the sales team at this stage.

Decision: content at this point should address specific concerns, provide testimonials, and showcase the results that can be expected during this stage. The most important element of your content is including a clear call to action. Otherwise, how would people reach out if they’re ready to buy?

Action: content at this stage should include a sense of urgency. Here is where you provide limited-time offers and free trials. Here is also where you address outlying concerns like budget by providing the cost savings that will be recognized sooner rather than later. FOMO is real at this stage, and influencers could step in here too.

When working with one client, Abask established a strong following for them and had a steady trickle of leads. Working with an influencer in their industry allowed us to turn those leads into clients faster than any other method we’ve tried for them. That being said, we would not have had people lined up and ready if we had not done the work during the first two stages of the funnel.

Beyond the purchase, content marketing is vital in retaining customers and fostering loyalty. Regularly sharing valuable content, updates, and exclusive offers with existing customers keeps them engaged and strengthens the long-term relationship. A comprehensive content marketing strategy ensures that your brand stays relevant to customers. This encourages repeat business and increases the likelihood of customers becoming advocates. These customers are more likely to refer your products or services to others, thus maximizing their lifetime value.

A holistic approach to content marketing that covers every step of the sales funnel is essential for businesses trying to succeed in the digital landscape. By strategically crafting content tailored to each stage, you can build brand awareness, establish authority, nurture leads, drive conversions, foster customer loyalty, and ultimately maximize the lifetime value of your customers. Embrace the power of full-funnel content marketing and position your business for sustained success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. Although utilizing every part of the sales funnel can seem tricky, you aren’t alone. Abask Marketing is your marketing and brand management partner, and we’re here to help you. Learn more at www.AbaskMarketing.com and find out how we can get you started!


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