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5 inspiring podcasts that will motivate writers

January 19, 2018


5 inspiring podcasts that will motivate writers

by Jan 19, 2018Writing for Freelancers

I LOVE podcasts.

I listen to them at home, in the office, in the car, in a bar, with a jar… Here are my 5 favorite podcasts for writers. These are a mix of grammar helpers, storytellers, business advisors, pitching experts, and all around most motivating podcasts for writers. Check them out!!

  1. Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips
    n the dark ages, before podcasts were popular, I would subscribe to Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl’s emails. Each week I would learn something that I felt I should have already known, like the difference between “further” and “farther.” I loved those emails so much, although I often wondered if she was married and if she complained about people’s grammar after every dinner party, not unlike me! The only issue with the emails was that it became yet another email in my inbox. The podcasts, though are awesome. Mignon is a great speaker, she always puts cute little stories with the explanations and I find the information easier to remember this way. Check out this podcast if you’re the type of writer that gets nervous around editors.
  2. The Ray Edwards Show – How to Start, Run, and Grow Your Own Internet Based Business | Copywriter | Copywriting | Direct Response
    ay Edwards provides a cute and quirky lesson each week about copywriting and how to use it to make money. I enjoy Ray’s conversational tone in his podcasts and I like his lessons. Ray is a very spiritual guy, so if that’s not your bag baby, I wouldn’t recommend Ray to you. If you like a little God with your copy, or if you are open to some feel good vibes, Ray is fun and entertaining with a little learning on the side.
  3. Beyond Your Blog
    riting about this particular podcast is tough for me. I feel like I’m giving away a big secret to my own success, but I have to say that this is my absolute favorite podcast for writers. Susan Maccarelli is not a fancy podcaster with ten thousand books and an agent in her pocket (actually, she could be, but she doesn’t talk that way). She’s a real person that has managed to grow a business from blogging. She talks directly to publishers and other freelancers and gives very real easy-to-implement advice. I honestly cannot say enough about this podcast. It’s just basic, conversational and brilliant.
  4. Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell
    Malcolm Gladwell is pretty much the opposite of Susan from Beyond Your Blog. For one, you probably already know him. He is the author of many, many books and can be seen everywhere from the speaking stage to talk shows. He is a master at telling stories and extracting real world meaning from the stories. This podcast is a must for every writer looking for success because every writer should know how to expertly craft a story that grabs a reader.
  5. Hot Copy
    Hot Copy is a podcast about copywriting from Australia. The two ladies, Kate Toon and Belinda Weaver are goofy and the podcasts are fun, but useful too. What I like about this podcast is that I feel like I know the ladies, but the downfall of that is, I don’t actually know them! So, sometimes it feels like a three-way call where you can’t unmute. I tend to pick and choose rather than listen to each of the podcast’s episodes because some are quite lengthy and some are more to the point. Nevertheless, the ladies make you feel at home and that can be good because it makes you feel more confident.

There are a bunch of other podcasts I like for business purposes including Amy Porterfield’s and Tim Ferris’ podcasts, but these are the best of the bunch for writers. What about you? Do you have any you enjoy?

but it doesn’t have to be…

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