Technology Logo Design | Holiday Logos

Technology Logo Design | Holiday Logos

Quantum Knight Holiday Logo Design Quantum Knight, a cybersecurity and cryptography start-up hired Abask on a monthly retainer to manage content marketing and social media. As part of our seasonal campaigns, we recreated their logo with a holiday vibe.  Quantum Knight...
Spectra360 Case Study

Spectra360 Case Study

Spectra360 Case Study Abask Marketing meticulously crafted a case study showcasing the work of a staffing client who was seeking to attract candidates for a vitamin supply factory. This case study was designed not only to highlight the successful strategies...
Holiday Cards

Holiday Cards

Holiday Cards Every year, we design holidays cards for many companies. We design cards for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year. Our cards are 100% original and personalized for each company. We often integrate company logos and capture the style of our...