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Why Section 508 Compliance Matters for Government Contractors—and How to Get Started

September 13, 2024


Why Section 508 Compliance Matters for Government Contractors—and How to Get Started

If your business works with the government, especially in staffing, there’s a critical requirement you can’t ignore: Section 508 compliance. Ensuring your website is accessible to all users, including individuals with disabilities, isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must. With a Section 508 compliance requirement (also known as a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, or VPAT) attached to most government contracts, your website has to meet strict accessibility standards.

What is Section 508 Compliance, and Why Is It Important?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act mandates that all federal agencies make their electronic and information technology (including websites) accessible to people with disabilities. If you’re a government contractor, this applies to your business, too. In short, your website must be fully navigable for people who use screen readers, assistive technology, or keyboard navigation.

If your site is not compliant, you risk losing contracts and facing legal penalties. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, ADA-related lawsuits increased by 14% between 2018 and 2019 alone, and that trend continues to grow. Many of these lawsuits target businesses with inaccessible websites.

What Does Section 508 Compliance Look Like?

For your website to be Section 508 compliant, it must meet several key criteria, including:

  • Text alternatives for any non-text content (like images or videos)
  • The ability to navigate through the site using only a keyboard
  • Sufficient contrast between text and background colors for readability
  • Screen reader compatibility for all content
  • Accessible forms with clear labeling and error notifications

These are just a few requirements—ensuring full compliance can be daunting without expert help. That’s where Abask Marketing comes in.

How Abask Marketing Can Help Your Website Meet Section 508 Standards

We understand that navigating the world of accessibility compliance can feel overwhelming. But the good news is, you don’t have to do it alone. At Abask Marketing, we specialize in helping government contractors like you ensure your website meets Section 508 standards. We’ll work with you to:

  1. Evaluate Your Current Website (this part is free!): We’ll perform an accessibility audit to see where your site stands. From there, we can recommend specific improvements to meet Section 508 standards.
  2. Implement ADA Compliance Features: Whether adding alt text to images, adjusting contrast for readability, or ensuring your forms are fully accessible, we’ll do the heavy lifting to make your site compliant.
  3. Partner with VPAT Auditors: We work closely with VPAT auditors to ensure your website passes the rigorous standards set by Section 508. This will give you the peace of mind to continue business with government clients.

Don’t wait—Start the Compliance Process Today.

Failing to comply with Section 508 can mean lost contracts, legal trouble, and a tarnished reputation. On the other hand, a compliant website can open doors to new opportunities and showcase your business’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity.

The best part? You can get started with Abask Marketing for only $490 per year. This investment covers bringing your website to compliance and working with VPAT auditors to ensure you meet every standard.

Ready to take the first step? Let’s make your website Section 508 compliant so you can focus on growing your business. Contact us today to get your free website audit: FREE AUDIT ORDER FORM

Final Thoughts

Don’t let Section 508 compliance be an afterthought. With Abask Marketing’s expertise, you can make your website accessible, meet government requirements, and protect your business from legal risks. Sign up today, and let us handle the compliance so you can focus on what you do best—growing your business as a top government contractor.


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