by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Recruitment Marketing, Social Media |
National Staffing Week is a chance to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes of the workforce—staffing professionals who keep businesses running smoothly. It’s an opportunity to say “thank you” in creative and heartfelt ways. At Abask, we’ve...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Social Media |
Your LinkedIn company page is one of the best ways to get impressions on your content and build a positive brand image. It is recommended that you post at least once a day on LinkedIn, but that can be difficult, especially if you don’t have a large team to pump...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing |
February is 90 days long.Isn’t it? It feels like it is! February 3rd is the halfway point through winter and it feels like the second half is so much longer than the first half! Cold weather and the panic at work to keep up with your 2022 strategy makes it the...
by Rebecca Amesbury | An entrepreneur, Content Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Team Member, Small Business |
Landing pages are confusing. Why do you need a landing page if you already have a website? If you have a landing page, how would it differ from the website? Wouldn’t the landing page take away traffic from my website? Is a landing page the same as a sales page?...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Content Marketing |
In today’s world, we are unlikely to purchase anything without first looking at reviews. Reviews are now a multi-million dollar industry, with major websites including Goodreads, solely dedicated to collecting reviews and companies offering to get you hundreds...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Content Marketing |
Stop your weekly blog! It’s killing your mojo! Should I write a blog post every week? If you follow any of the leading digital evangelists they will tell you that you should be writing a new blog post every week. At least once a week. And I agree. In the same...