by Rebecca Amesbury | Blogging, Writing, Writing for Freelancers |
The first time I heard about a Mastermind group was when listening to Amy Porterfield’s podcast. Amy, and many other marketing wizards have been members of a mastermind and found that the group is essential to staying on track and growing a business you love....
by Rebecca Amesbury | Marketing Strategy, Writing |
The battle for good copywriting clients takes so much time that, if you’re not careful, you can spend all day responding to requests and sending out lead emails and not enough time writing the content that pays the bills. Today, I’m going to show a new(ish) way to...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Marketing Strategy, Writing |
Ah, Summer! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…Summer is my favorite time of year. I love the heat, I love the beach, I love the ocean, I love that things are a little slower at work and I can make HUGE plans for the upcoming year.On the first year I...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Marketing Strategy, Writing |
Why I hate the word “copywriter.” Before I get into the business of being a copywriter that hates the word copywriter, let me paint a picture for you…My son is obsessed with animals. His favorite is the cheetah. So, when we were at Disney and I saw...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Writing |
Is “wealthy copywriter” a possibility? In my experience, copywriters are not wealthy copywriters because they have high turnover with clients. To be a wealthy copywriter, or even a copywriter making a livable wage, you need to have clients on a retainer...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Writing |
Every year we take on a copywriter’s book challenge as a group. We choose books to read that will enhance our writing and business skills and after we read them we write an honest report on each. The 2016 copywriter’s book challenge was not very...