by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Social Media |
Are you having trouble finding inspiration for LinkedIn posts? Then you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to talk about where we find the inspiration to write weeks of LinkedIn posts for each of our clients. We will go through inspiration, process,...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Social Media |
There are 800 million users on LinkedIn. These are people looking for jobs, hiring, or researching in order to make business decisions. If you are involved in any kind of business, you need to have a solid presence on LinkedIn. Luckily for you, that’s what...
by Rebecca Amesbury | An entrepreneur, Business Owners, Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Team Member, Small Business, Target Audience |
Why should you hire Abask Marketing? Well, how do you pick a marketing agency? If you’re like most people, you likely do a Google search and call the first one that comes up. Easy, yes. But it’s not the best way to find the best marketing match for your business! At...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Content Marketing |
In today’s world, we are unlikely to purchase anything without first looking at reviews. Reviews are now a multi-million dollar industry, with major websites including Goodreads, solely dedicated to collecting reviews and companies offering to get you hundreds...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Content Marketing |
Stop your weekly blog! It’s killing your mojo! Should I write a blog post every week? If you follow any of the leading digital evangelists they will tell you that you should be writing a new blog post every week. At least once a week. And I agree. In the same...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Content Marketing, Content Marketing |
If the election taught us one thing it was this, “Most digital ‘news’ ain’t news. In fact, most of what you see online is bull.” Testimonials and statements of individuals are not to be construed as claims or representations of average...