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one Trick Pony

You’re no wallflower. It’s time to shine.
Learn how to write for companies big & small. Learn how to get paid for writing. Any and all writing: scripts, blogs, websites, presentations, marketing materials, scripts, blogs, and websites. Learn content strategy and SEO to set yourself apart.
Scroll through the subjects below & click to start learning.
Don’t let them put you in a corner, Baby!

Find Clients

Where do you research potential clients and how do you figure out your target market? They say that narrowing down a market is vital, but what do you do if you get pigeonholed or want to expand? Here we explore working with the right clients, finding them, and writing their language.

Learn to Pitch

How to Pitch to new clients, or magazines, or even pitch for a potential partnership. How to price your services, what to say, how long a pitch should take, how to deliver… the whole nine yards on pitching for freelance writers, content marketers and copywriters.

Writing Skills

The nitty gritties of being a content marketer, a freelance writer, or a copywriter. Here we talk about words on paper (or screens), balancing good writing with good SEO, outlining, blog organization, staying on track. power words, headlines, and more. This is the technical side of the art we love.

The Freelance Juggle

This category will help freelance writers, content producers, and copywriters know how to manage their daily struggles: staying focused, working odd hours, feeling stretched or bored. Here we cover touchy feely subjects, processes, and planning.

Deal with Difficult Clients

What do you do when your client has issues or when you get fired? How do you ask a client for a referral or a review? How to keep clients happy, how much to divulge to them, what to offer, when and how to ask for more money, and how to fire a client. Let’s get into client issues all over!

Manage Your Own Marketing

Here we deal with keeping your freelance business going. Maintaining your websites, social media and blogging, SEO, design/ branding, tools, schedules. Here’s where we delve into making your own business run smoothly without taking up all your time.


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