by Rebecca Amesbury | Blogging, Marketing |
Maybe the most common question I hear is, “Should I start a blog?” The simple answer is, “Yes!” I’ll go into the why behind my answer in just a moment, but here’s my caveat: If you are inundated with business, and you are finding it...
by Rebecca Amesbury | An entrepreneur, Content Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Team Member, Small Business |
Landing pages are confusing. Why do you need a landing page if you already have a website? If you have a landing page, how would it differ from the website? Wouldn’t the landing page take away traffic from my website? Is a landing page the same as a sales page?...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Marketing Strategy, Working With Difficult Freelance Clients |
DO YOU BACK DOWN TOO EASILY? A FREELANCER’S GUIDE TO NEGOTIATION This week I was asked to fly across the country for a one-day meeting. I hesitatingly agreed. Meeting in person has its benefits, but flying across the country for one meeting means leaving my...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Marketing Strategy, Writing |
The battle for good copywriting clients takes so much time that, if you’re not careful, you can spend all day responding to requests and sending out lead emails and not enough time writing the content that pays the bills. Today, I’m going to show a new(ish) way to...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Marketing Strategy, Writing |
Ah, Summer! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…Summer is my favorite time of year. I love the heat, I love the beach, I love the ocean, I love that things are a little slower at work and I can make HUGE plans for the upcoming year.On the first year I...
by Rebecca Amesbury | Marketing Strategy, Working With Difficult Freelance Clients |
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU DON’T GET THE FREELANCE JOB YOU WANTED. Every successful freelancer has also, at some time, been a freelance failure. I know, I know, you’re all like, “What? It’s not just me?” Nope, it’s not just you. Believe it...